This is a photo of my wife, Emily, holding our sonogram of Caroline Grace on Tuesday, October 4th, just minutes after we found out we were having a baby girl. Look a little closer at the right side of the sonogram....

On the left side of the sonogram is a small oval with three objects that look like a sideways smiley face :) The dots, or "eyes" of the smiley face, are the bottoms of Caroline's little feet. The other object, or the "smile" of the smiley face, is Caroline's little rear end. But on the far right of the me crazy...maybe it's just me...but doesn't that look like a full grown lady? Sitting with her knees slightly bent and her hands in front of her, as if she is holding little Caroline? Not to be uber-spiritual or anything, but I do not think this is by coincidence. This might be a little too far-fetched for some people, but I sincerely believe this is Caroline Grace's guardian angel, or maybe even healing angel.

If you still can't see what I'm seeing, take a look at this photo (below) and then compare the two images. Do you see any resemblance?

It is little things like this that are getting me through each day. God's grace has been overabundant. I think I actually cracked a joke or two with my coworkers today. It feels good to laugh. And it feels even better to know that my God is in control of my sweet little Caroline Grace!
I see the image as well; saw it before I saw the picture of Emily below it. Such Amazing Grace. Spiritual discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit that God gives as we need it to remind us of His presence, His love, and His continual care. As I read your blogs, I pray for your family that all of you will feel the arms of God encircling you.
ReplyDeleteOh my! This just brought tears to my eyes! I can absolutely see it. Praying for you, Emily and your sweet Caroline!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't help but be over whelmed by this. I cried and rejoiced at the same time! I see the image loud and clear. God is in control...a miracle is going to happen...I feel it in my very soul.I'm continuing to pray. I copied a picture of the sonogram and printed it out and made a Caroline Grace Card for myself. If anyone wants one let me know. Isn't God good!
ReplyDeleteHi there, You don't know me, but I got a prayer request for your family through Alana, who works with you and is in my same mom's group. Anyway, my husband and I will be praying for you and your family! The picture you posted of your baby is absolutely breathtaking and you are right on; That has GOT TO BE her guardian angel for sure! How beautiful for you to see that! I can tell you and your wife have a very special bond and this experience will forever bring you that much close to each other and to God. I was so sorry to hear, but also have great hope for you! Caroline is a beautiful baby with two loving parents; She's very lucky to have you both. Blessings to you and your family, Becky
ReplyDelete@ Ms. Allen: Thank you for your continued support. You have been faithful to encourage me through my life's journey for as long as I can remember. Your words are very important to me. Thank you. I miss you and hope we'll be able to catch up some time...although I'm not sure how to reach you now that you are retired from Byrnes!
ReplyDelete@ "Ben's Gwen": Thank you for your prayers! May I ask how you found my blog? It's fascinating to me to find out how people found my blog.
@ Joy: Thank you, Mama. Your love and encouragement mean the world to me! And your prayers too. Thank you for you constant support!
@ Becky: I can't thank you enough for your prayers and encouragement. Thank you for your reassurance and kind words. At times like this, I'll take all of the support I can get! Thank you!