When was the last time that you had a belly-laugh? You know, when you just let loose and laughed so hard that your belly hurt or maybe even jiggled? Shhh...you don't have to admit to the latter :-) But a really good laugh is worth remembering!

Laughter warms you throughout your body and soul. You may have even laughed so hard that your laughter spurred on tears of joy. And if you're like me, you have looked back at that belly-laughter and you have laughed some more because you found something so trivial to be so hilariously laughable! It's great when you find yourself laughing about laughing!!
Wikipedia says, "Laughter is anatomically caused by the epiglottis constricting the larynx. The study of humor and laughter, and its psychological and physiological effects on the human body, is called gelotology." Yeah...whatever that means!!
Proverbs 17:22a says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine." Now, I can relate to that!!

During Emily's and my recent journey, God has had his fair share of laughter with me. I can hear him saying, "Silly human. Have you forgotten that I am God?? I am your Creator! I gave you everything you have, including your countless blessings!" As I have toiled, struggled, doubted, and lost sleep over Caroline's diagnosis, I have no doubt that God has looked upon me with laughter. Not laughing at me because he is mocking me. But laughing at me because he finds my efforts entertaining. He knows my attempts are unnecessary because He is in control - not me!! He has shared his undying love, support, and care for me. He has told me, "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you" ~Isaiah 46:4 (NIV).
"The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my Savior.....You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light" ~2 Samuel 22:2; 22:29 (NIV).
Yet I find a way, nearly everyday, to doubt the Scriptural truths He has provided for us. His love is the same today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow. However, it is funny how we easily forget this and think that we are better off "fixing" things ourselves. Haha! Now, that's funny! And I am so thankful that God has a tremendous sense of humor!!
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